At REAS 2024 a conference dedicated to the air component in forest firefighting operations and coordination with ground personnel
Every year, especially in the summer, thousands of hectares of forests go up in flames throughout Italy due to forest fires, causing enormous damage to our forest heritage and also endangering infrastructure, residential areas and people. In the fight against fires, the “aerial component” is indispensable, with planes and helicopters capable of discharging tons of water or retardant liquid on the areas affected by the fire, the effectiveness of which however requires strong coordination with ground personnel. This is the theme of the new conference proposed by REAS 2024, organized by Mediarkè in collaboration with AerSpo – Aerial Specialised Operation Association.
Operational experiences, organizational criticalities and training proposals
Saturday, October 5, 2024
4:00 PM – 5:30 PM
Scalvini Room (first floor, central entrance)
Active combat in extinguishing forest fires, the national and regional fleet, intervention methods
• Cpt. Raoul BLASI, Canadair CL415 aircraft pilot, AerSpo President, conference moderator
1st Session:
Manned/manned and manned/unmanned activities in air intervention areas, regulations, coordination, criticality and safety of operations
• Cpt. Raoul BLASI, Canadair CL415 aircraft pilot, President of AerSpo
• Cpt. Alfonso FRIOLO, HEMS 118 helicopter pilot, former pilot in the Army Aviation
• Dr. Francesco GARGANESE, Drone instructor/examiner pilot, President of the Territorial Air Surveillance (SAT) OdV, Member of the International Emergency Drone Organization (IEDO) commission
• Cpt. Michele GROTTOLO, fire-fighting helicopter pilot
2nd Session:
Advanced techniques for extinguishing fires with aerial means. Choice and use of extinguishing additives (retardants, wetting agents, foaming agents), strategies and techniques for launching fires with aerial means
• Assistant Chief Livio PELUFFO, Head of the Fire Analysis and Use Group (GAUF) of the Forestry and Environmental Surveillance Corps of Nuoro
• Cpt. Raoul BLASI, Canadair CL415 aircraft pilot, President of AerSpo
3rd Session:
Training of AIB operations coordination personnel
• Dr. Luigi RICCI, former Special Coordinator Director of the National Fire Brigade, Head of Formanet APS training
• Cpt. Raoul BLASI, Canadair CL415 aircraft pilot, President of AerSpo
At the end of the speeches, a Question Time will be held with questions from the audience of civil protection professionals and volunteers.
Participation in the conference is free and open to visitors of REAS 2024.
For information or contacts: reas.ufficiostampa@mediarke.it.