Civil Protection and Air Rescue: the new national map “Air Rescue Network Aeronautical Chart” presented at REAS
The conference “Civil Protection and Air Rescue” will present the characteristics and geographical distribution of the network of 1,500 public and private aeronautical infrastructures (airports, airfields/heli/hydrosurfaces and airfields) present in Italy: in practice, one aeronautical landing place for every five municipalities , thirteen for each province, an average territorial coverage of one landing place every 150 sq km.
During the conference, the unpublished “Air Rescue Network Aeronautical Chart” map will be distributed free of charge, representative of this national network, which Legislative Decree 120/2021 plans to enhance with petrol stations, hangars, workshops, modernization of take-off runways specifically for the contrast of forest fires and support for the national Civil Protection service.
This map is a unique publication, an exceptional and unprecedented knowledge tool for pilots, professionals, operators and public administrations which, in this geographical and regulatory context, will be called upon to carry out support interventions and preventive strategic planning actions.
“Air Rescue Network Aeronautical Chart” is created and published by Avioportolano, a leading company in Italy in the production of AIS (Aeronautical Information Service) certified cartography for air navigation, in joint venture with EIL Systems, an Italian company that produces patented light tower systems , made on design and with aeronautical construction technology. Further information: www.avioportolano.it.
The scenario of aeronautical infrastructures in Italy in the national map “Air Rescue Network Aeronautical Chart”
Friday 6 October 2023
Sala Scalvini (first floor, central entrance)
PROGRAM (updating):
Guido Medici, director of Avioportolano srl, author of the map “Air Rescue Network Aeronautical Chart”
Fabrizio Bovi, Avioportolano press office – aeronautical journalist, member of the Union of Italian Scientific Journalists (UGIS)
Rodolfo Biancorosso, editor in chief of the magazine “VFR Aviation”
Participation in the conference is free for REAS 2023 visitors.
For information or contacts: reas.ufficiostampa@mediarke.it