At REAS a workshop on the healthcare figure in industrial rescue
Thanks to the work of IERESP, Rescue Press and the non-conditioning contribution of Ferno Italia from 9.30 on Saturday 8 October the figure of the industrial rescuer will be at the center of a workshop that will identify its limits and perspectives.
Rescue in an industrial environment, both urban and extra-urban, certainly constitutes a very complex scenario for the team of rescuers arriving on site. Among the various conceivable accident scenarios, rescue in suspected pollution or confined environments (taking into account the possible limitations due to the characteristics of these environments and access / exit difficulties), can involve long approach times to the patient, often incompatible with the survival of the injured person or which may affect their full recovery without sequelae. For this reason, IERESP (European Association of Industrial and Emergency Response Specialist) and Rescue Press, in collaboration with Ferno Italia, organize this theoretical-practical workshop on the evaluation of the role of the health figure in Industrial Rescue teams.
Chairman: Adriano Paolo Bacchetta – IERESP President
Mauro Tocci: contract nurse at the University of Perugia
Debora Santini: critical area nurse at the Meyer Hospital in Florence
Alberto Adduci: Resuscitator Anesthetist and President of NAEMT Italy
Alberto Graziani: Doctor and consultant for medicine in the industrial field
9.30 / 10.30: theoretical part with examination of the role and importance of the nursing figure in the context of Industrial Rescue teams.
10.30 / 13.30: practical part with access to the structure at pavilion 5 of the Prevent Srl stand, where it will be possible for learners to view the equipment and carry out a harness test. Furthermore, following the international guidelines on safety in rope rescue (IRATA) and on medical rescue (PHTLS standard), some intervention simulations typical of Industrial Rescue will be performed by Prevent Srl personnel. During the activities, the individual phases will be explained and the participants will be able to ask specific questions regarding the activities in progress.