Approaches to the adult and pediatric traumatic patient: at REAS 2022 the Co.E.S. Italia
At REAS 2022, Co.E.S. Italia, the National Association of Rescue Drivers, will be present at the event with a training program full of stimuli and opportunities for improvement. The highlight is the conference entitled “TRAUMA 2.0: overview of new approaches to the adult and pediatric traumatic patient” which will be held on Saturday 8 October, at 9.30, in the Scalvini Room (first floor, central entrance).
9.30 am
Daniele Orletti – President of Co.E.S. Italy
Opening of the meeting: Institutional greetings and description of CoES Italia activities
10.00 am
Enrico Lucenti – Emergency Nurse Specialist, UOC Territorial Emergency 118 and CTIU, USL Piacenza Company, Professor at the University of Parma, Director of the Scientific Committee of SIIET
«From the concept of spine immobilization to the concept of“ spinal motion restriction ”. What evolution and what prospects in the Italian territorial emergency system? “
10.45 am
Giovanni Moresi – Rescue driver, UOC Territorial Emergency 118 and CTIU, USL Piacenza Company, Councilor Co.E.S. Emilia Romagna, Co.E.S. Italy.
“A necessary reformulation in the academic and training fields that allows rescue workers to make a targeted and informed choice in the use of immobilizers and pediatric transport.”
11.15 am
Coffee ‑ break
11.30 am
Pasquale Ferrante, Head of U.O.S.V.D. Pediatrics -Neonatology P.O. Bisceglie ASL BT, Coordinator of the S.I.M.E.U.P.
“Knowing the physical characteristics of the child being transported is equivalent to providing the best possible care.” What we should know about the child we are transporting in an ambulance
Final discussion and free questions
For registration: www.coesitalia.eu