REAS 2022: appointment for the emergency system from 7 to 9 October in Montichiari
The 2021 edition of REAS marked a moment of real collective restart for the Italian emergency management system which, gathered at the Montichiari Exhibition Center, wished to express thanks to operators and volunteers for the ‘tireless efforts during the months of the pandemic. The bearer of this message of hope and trust was, among others, the Head of the Civil Protection Department Fabrizio Curcio, present at the inauguration and at numerous panels of the event.
The work of the REAS staff continues under the same auspices in view of the 2022 edition, whose preparations are proceeding at full speed. The new dates have already been announced for some time: 7, 8 and 9 October 2022. REAS 2022 aims to reconfirm its vocation as the leading trade fair in Italy for civil protection, first aid and fire protection emergencies. The over 23,000 attendees at the fair show the strong link with the territory. 33.2% of the visitor target is made up of specialized professional operators and the remaining 66.8% of voluntary operators belonging to civil protection, first aid and fire prevention groups, as well as associations and bodies that animate the national protocol of emergency management. REAS has demonstrated for over twenty years its ability to best represent the offer of technologies and services in the emergency sector, with the presence at trade fairs of the best production and commercial companies in the sector, ready to reap the benefits of direct contact with operators and volunteers of the sector.
“REAS is a fair capable of giving voice to a vital sector for our society”, reiterates Gianantonio Rosa, president of the Centro Fiera di Montichiari. “Emergency management is a challenge that must mobilize all our best energies and REAS is able to make an essential contribution in this direction. For this reason, the organizational machine is already at work in view of the October edition. We aim to be protagonists of the recovery with a fair full of opportunities for operators and volunteers. ”
In the coming months, REAS will again be the protagonist at INTERSCHUTZ, the world’s leading trade fair for the safety sector scheduled in Hanover from 20 to 25 June 2022. Within the Italian collective, the technologies and know-how that make the our country a virtuous model on a European scale. The highlight will be the “Country Partner Italy Day supported by REAS” scheduled for Wednesday 22 June. A day entirely dedicated to our country in which to promote the Italian emergency management system, consolidate institutional partnerships and present the unique characteristics of REAS to European players. The internationalization of the REAS brand, in fact, is one of the objectives pursued through the partnership with Deutsche Messe – Fiera di Hannover which, also in the October 2022 edition, will bring delegations of specialized foreign buyers and numerous opportunities for technical discussion and exchange to Montichiari. of know-how.
While the organizational machine has already started gathering numerous confirmations among the historical exhibitors of the event, the REAS staff is already working on the program of conferences and special events that distinguishes the event and constitutes a particular added value. Thanks to a strong synergy with institutions and associations and the third sector, REAS has consolidated over more than twenty years of history a strong link with the territory and with the capillary network of companies operating in the ordinary and extraordinary management of various types of emergencies. Also this year their contribution will be essential to make REAS an opportunity for technical updating and active training of citizens.