The future is already here: at REAS a conference by Co.E.S. for driver-rescuers

The future is already here”. This is the evocative title of the Co.E.S. scheduled for Saturday 9 October as part of REAS. The training event promoted by the National Association of Health Emergency Drivers will illustrate the intervention approach in the rescue in tunnels and on hybrid-electric propulsion vehicles.

Co.E.S. has always been very active in the training of driver-rescuers, transmitting the theoretical and practical skills to intervene safely in the main risk contexts. The scheduled conference is aimed at all driver-rescuers and those who, for various reasons, could be involved at an operational level in the local emergency health system 118 and are involved in road accidents that increasingly involve hybrid or electric vehicles. but also in more complex scenarios with a high evolutionary risk such as aid in tunnels and road tunnels.


9.30 am
Opening of the meeting: Institutional greetings and description of CoES Italia activities
Daniele Orletti – National President

10.00 am
Rescue driver: let’s take stock of the concept of ‘safety’
Simone Baruffa – Rescue driver Co.E.S Italy

10.20 am
New methods of approach to electric, hybrid and methane cars
A. Foggetti – Chief Fire Brigade Expert Department

11.00 am
Coffee break

11.15 am
The regulatory aspects on complex interforce roadside rescue interventions
Cav. Gianluca Fazzolari – Superior Inspector of the State Police National Councilor ASAPS La Spezia

Methods of rescue intervention in the tunnel: the immediate intervention service at the Mont Blanc Tunnel (SII)
M. D’Amico – Head of Training for the Immediate Intervention Service at the Mont Blanc Tunnel, Aosta Associated Services Group

Final discussion

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