REAS 2021: innovative technologies for personal care services at the fair

After the official resumption of exhibition activity, established by Law Decree no. 52 of 22 April 2021, the appointment with REAS is approaching, the leading trade fair in Italy for the first aid, civil protection and fire emergency sector, which will be held at the Centro Fiera di Montichiari (BS) from 8 to 10 October 2021 .

Over the last year, Centro Fiera di Montichiari (BS), promoter of the event, has continued to work with confidence, in the belief that, with the improvement of the epidemiological situation, fairs are an essential tool for the restart of the economic system. The one related to emergency management is no exception, which in Italy stands at levels of absolute excellence. The appointment with REAS will offer an opportunity to give the right visibility to production and commercial realities that, during these difficult months, have not stopped investing and innovating.

REAS is a point of reference for those who work in emergency management” says Gianantonio Rosa, president of the Centro Fiera Montichiari. “The Italian system can count on professionals of the highest profile and volunteers who demonstrate a great spirit of sacrifice in the field every day. Furthermore, the companies of our country are among the best in Europe. This is why we are proud to promote an event like REAS, which has always been close to their needs. Fairs are an opportunity to meet and an opportunity for growth. In this delicate moment, our goal is to give concrete support to the recovery.

In the edition scheduled for October 2021, REAS will give ample space to personal care services which, within the Italian municipalities, are entrusted to the intervention of the Social Services Departments. It is an area that is of great importance in our country and which, in the midst of the COVID-19 emergency, proved to be essential to support the most fragile sections of the population put to the test by the pandemic. In the effectiveness of personal care services, the first aid and assistance technologies that volunteers and operators use in the field are fundamental. REAS will offer a complete overview of all the main innovations in support of voluntary and civil protection groups which, with the coordination of the Municipalities, guarantee fundamental services for the territory.